Fatal Fixer-Upper and Tammy

Last week I finished Dead Ex by Harley Jane Kozak. Unfortunately, it was the last book of the series. I hope she writes a sequel soon.

After checking the library for some of the other books I've been waiting on I had no luck. They're still checked out or on hold. I'll just wait and hope I find them available soon. I am not a fan of the "hold" option and this is why: Sometimes, mostly, I am a slow reader and when someone puts it on hold then I am unable to renew it and I am forced to pay a fine for reading slow if I want to keep it. Not cool. Just wait your turn please or go get an e-reader and download it if you're in such a hurry.

While I wait I look for other authors. That is how I have found such great ones and I have been very thankful for this. Most recently, I did my usual routine which involves searching the library's online database for similar topics. Then I go to the library and look at the book and most of the time they don't make the cut. On Friday I eliminated all of the ones either because they just didn't suit or the first book wasn't available. I had to start over and somehow found this DIY series by Jennie Bentley. It was a WONDERFUL book! I finished it this afternoon. Yeah, that's right, sometimes I can't put one down. I can't wait to go to the library in the morning and get the next one. FYI it was a very clean book. There were maybe 2 minor cusses that I remember and not even a hint of sex. It didn't say so in the search but I would definitely call it a Romantic Mystery. I hope the next one is just as clean.

On another note, I have been watching older movies (also from the library). Mostly starring Doris Day, Cary Grant, James Garner etc. On Saturday I could only find one, the Tammy movies. I don't recall ever seeing these but I found them delightful. There's one more I need to find: Tammy and the Millionaire. It's on my list.


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